
Eric Rogers- Principal Architect

Since 2014, Eric Rogers has been a Principal Partner and is a licensed Architect at Wagstaff + Rogers Architects, a long established Architectural business in Mill Valley and a Marin County Green Business. Before becoming a Principal Architect, Eric served as a Senior Project Manager for the firm for well over a decade. He began his career in the building industry as a tradesman and a carpenter. That experience gave him the advantage of developing an architectural design philosophy that is clear and concise to clients as well as contractors, engineers, and consultants. Eric believes architecture is about shaping environments to improve lives while being environmentally conscious and responsible. This philosophy is evident in Wagstaff + Rogers Architects’ methodology, which “infuses traditional craftsmanship with a passion for new technologies, materials, and a strong philosophy about art in architecture.” Eric has focused his career in architecture on high-end commercial and residential projects. It has been his passion to create contemporary and traditional low-impact, high-performance homes and businesses for a green, sustainable environment.

Eric is active in the green building and business communities including volunteering time to Sustainable Novato (a sustainable living advocacy). In the past, he has served as a Green Building Professionals Guild Steering Committee Member as well as a technical advisory committee member for Marin Green BERST (Building Energy Retrofit and Solar Transformation). He also sat on the Marin Builders Associations Green Building Committee.  Eric was first certified as Certified Green Building Professional (CGBP) and a Green Point Rater in 2006 for Build It Green. He has helped multiple Marin municipalities develop their green building ordinances in hope of creating a comprehensive Green Building Ordinance.

In addition to several years of wood-framed construction experience and a 4-year enlistment in the US Navy, Eric holds a Masters of Architecture and a Bachelors of Science in Architecture from the University of Idaho.

I wanted to be an architect because: The architects I had interaction with in my building carreer couldnt nail two boards together and I thought I could bring better conectivity to the industry and my clientele.

I’m wanted to be a part of WRA because: Blue jeans are part of the uniform

My architectural Super-Hero is: Dependant on mood.

If you really got to know me you would find out that: I love anything on two wheels. And dogs.